6 Easy Tips To Create Your Own Video Resume

6 Easy Tips To Create Your Own Video Resume

The process of job application has changed drastically over the last few years. The competition has significantly increased, and the evolving technology plays a significant role in creating this change. As a result, candidates often try to find innovative ways to showcase their skills while applying for a job. A video resume is one such change that the industry has seen recently. It consists of a short video that gets presented to the employer in which the applying candidate describes their skills and experience relevant to the role they are applying for.

Video resumes offer a way to leave an impression on the employer about the candidate's personality and communication. It is a way to distinguish yourself from other candidates and show your personality and the experience and skills you have. A video resume is a new concept, and many people do not know how to create a great video resume while applying for a role. Also, a good editing tool can make it more impressive and professional.

In this article, I will share some tips to create a video resume that can help you give an edge over the other candidates. Use these tips and get ready to apply for your next job in a distinguished way.


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Why Create A Video Resume?

A video resume offers a deep insight into your skills as compared to the traditional resume. The hiring team schedules interviews to get an idea about the candidates' personalities by talking to them. Video resumes offer a way to give that first impression by describing themselves in the form of a video. Video resumes help you show your performance-based skills while applying for the job of a teacher, actor, and other similar roles. In addition to that, a video resume is a great way to showcase your sales-related or communication skills. It is required for applying for the position in marketing or for a role where one has to deal with the clients. But a video resume should be made cautiously because it can positively impact one hand while leading to rejection of a profile if created poorly. Read the tips and know how you can create the perfect video resume for your next job application.


6 Easy Tips For Creating Your Video Resume

Here are some of the top tips that you can implement to create a great video resume before you apply next time for a job:


1 | Write A Script

The very first and utmost step is to prepare the script that contains everything, portraying you in the best way possible in your video resume. Preparing a script before creating the video resume gives you time to add everything perfectly. A video resume is one of the best ideas to introduce your previous experience and strengths in which you are well-skilled in a good way. Make sure the video you have created is so compelling and impresses the interviewers.


2 | Be Creative

Keep one thing in mind that merely creating a video will not do your project. You have to make the video resume worth watching by the innovation you put into it. You can get aid from watching the video resumes created by others before creating yours. It will get you inspired and new ideas, helping you describe how you would be a perfect pick. You can also add how passionate you are to fill the particular designation for which you are applying.


3 | Be Professional & Real

Most job seekers find the video resume as a game-changer as it introduces their professional skills. As per the research, a video resume helps employers identify the real side of the applicants they are hunting. The professionalism in the video resume shows your capability of coping with the tasks for that particular role you apply for. You must wear formals and do not forget to choose a quiet place to sit for a video. It makes the viewers more focused on you.


4 | Keep the Video Resume Short & Concise

Employers are not always accessible as they have to go through all the applications to plump for the best applicants suiting their requirements for a specific position. Hence they give a short while to each candidate. Sometimes, they do not even provide a look at a lengthy resume as it eats up their precious time. So you have to make sure the length of a video resume must be between 60 to 120 seconds, which makes it more attractive and brief.


5 | Get Feedback

You can also ask your family or friends to review the video resume you have created before sending it to the employers. It is one of the essential steps because there might be some mistakes, which remain unnoticed. Hence you can correct them. Also, they can suggest you a few ideas, which are beneficial to make the video resume look more alluring. You can also directly ask for the errors if they find any, which you should rectify or correct before the final submission. Again, getting feedback from a couple of folks helps you correct the fixes.


6 | Add A Call-To-Action

Adding a simple and clear-cut CTA at the end of your video resume to uplift the employers for further contact would be an appropriate idea. Also, make sure you share a portfolio link to your LinkedIn Profile. Hence the employers can review that and know more about your past experiences. It helps employers have an assessment based on the previous work and decide if you are the best suitable pick for the job you have applied for.



To conclude, the article explained the best tips that you can use to create a great video resume while applying for a job. Of course, it is always good to accept the changes and mold yourself accordingly to avoid lag in this race. A video resume is one such way that makes you stand out among all the candidates applying for a job. In addition to the excellent content, you can edit the videos you have created and make a perfect video for your resume.

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