Fix Your Federal Resume

Craft federal resumes in a matter of days that get the coveted "Referred" application status and land interviews at the government agencies you'd love to work for


"I landed an interview in less than 30 days! Off The Clock Resumes provided me the information and confidence to enter the [federal] job force and build a new career."

—Joshua H.

Steph Cartwright, Job Search Strategist and Certified Resume Writer

Hi, I'm Steph!

I teach government job seekers like you how to revise your resume to feature the Specialized Experience, KSAs (Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities if you didn't already know), and Competencies that HR Specialists need to see to refer your application to hiring decision-makers—and ultimately, land you the interviews that you deserve.

The Fix Your Federal Resume Course guides you through the proven federal resume writing framework that has helped my past clients land interviews in less than 30 days.

In this self-paced course, I take the guesswork out of mastering USAJobs and agency applications so that you won't be at the mercy of a resume writer or career coach's availability and you'll never miss a closing date.

Say no more, I'm in!


Before I reveal what you'll take away from this course, let's get real about who needs this...

New government job seekers, current federal employees, and veterans all agree:

Government job announcements and USAJobs application requirements are overwhelming and discouraging.

The Fix Your Federal Resume Course is for government job seekers like you whose eyes glaze over while scrolling through novel-length job descriptions, eligibility details, requirements, and sample questionnaires.

You already know (or have likely heard by now) that applying with the same resume for both public and private sector jobs doesn’t work, but those closing dates are often fast approaching. You don't have much time to research best practices or wait on an application-ready draft from a Federal Resume Writer. The clock is ticking... so if:

  • You haven't applied for a government job before and don't know where to start but the closing date is less than 10 days away

  • You're struggling to translate your military career into a resume that enables you to continue serving in a mission-focused agency

  • You've advanced internally for years but now need to submit a USAJobs-ready resume to take the next step in your government career


"I have never been as confident about getting at least an interview because of how amazing of a job Steph did. Definitely one of the best investments I've made into my future." —Michael S.

By the end of this course, you will have...

  • - 1 -

    Complete Confidence In What You Need To Include In Your Federal Resume

    based on strict compliance requirements in place to confirm your eligibility and assess your level of experience compared to other qualified applicants

  • - 2 -

    Developed A Concise Yet Thorough Government Career Marketing Document

    that HR Specialists love because it brings your KSAs front-and-center so they're easy to find in a quick skim while providing enough detail to distinguish you as "best qualified"

  • - 3 -

    Gained Insights Into Federal Hiring Practices That You Can Use To Your Advantage

    and give you an edge with every job application because you know how to spot and piece together critical details no matter the occupational series, pay grade, or agency

- What's Included -

HR Specialist-approved Resume Templates


Take your pick of 4 Microsoft Word resume templates designed for new government job seekers, federal employees, and veterans organzing the required compliance details and your background in a layout loved by HR Specialists.

  • Simplified Framework for Writing Federal Resumes

    $369 VALUE

    This self-paced course shares nearly an hour of federal resume writing best practices handpicked by a Certified Resume Writer to minimize overwhelm. Follow along, take notes, and fill out these worksheets while learning from examples pulled from past clients.

    Reaching the 5-page "Sweet Spot" Worksheet

    $15 VALUE

    Create and organize job-winning examples of your experience with the required Specialized Experience, KSAs (Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities if you didn't already know), and Competencies outlined in any job announcement.

  • Fix Your Federal Resume Course Worksheets

Creating Accomplishment Stories Worksheet


Find the diamonds in the rough of your background and craft detailed bullets that highlight the what, how, and why of career accomplishments that catch the attention of hiring decision-makers.

Steph Cartwright CPRW


Feedback & Targeting Analysis from a Certified Resume Writer

($149 VALUE)

This course isn't a 100% hands-off alternative to resume services.

When you finish the course, get personalized feedback on your new resume plus a detailed assessment on how well you targeted your resume for a specific job opportunity.

200+ Military to Civilian Translations


200+ Military to Civilian Translations

($195 VALUE)

Bridge the gap between your military background and your new civilian career goals.

This 18-page thesaurus is gifted by Cassie Hatcher of Career Confidence LLC. She specializes in resumes for senior military and veterans targeting 6-figure roles in the public sector.


Ultimate List for Networking in Your Federal Job Search

($97 VALUE)

It's got 99 places, but LinkedIn ain't one!

Even with a USAJobs-ready resume in hand, having contacts at the agencies you'd love to work for is key to getting your foot in the door. Start with this ultimate list of places to grow your network with other federal employees.

When you add it all up that’s a grand total of $900

But when you enroll today you can access the Fix You Resume Course for just…




Why Landing Federal Job Interviews Is So Damn Hard

I'm not going to waste your time talking about hiring freezes or government shutdowns, but there are several other reasons why you're applying and not landing interviews.

Government hiring requirements and processes are an entirely different animal:

According to OPM, agencies are held accountable to meet a 45-day timeline for hiring... but the average time to hire as of 2023 is 101 days. Why? Hiring agencies won't look at your application until the job announcement closes. And all applicants must be screened by an HR Specialist (that's a human reader, by the way) for eligibility, qualification, security clearance, and background check before being referred to a hiring manager to be considered for interview.

Applying with the same resume for both private and public sector jobs won’t work:

That different animal requires a different resume.

PRIVATE SECTOR: A 1 to 2-page resume with a snapshot of your background is preferred

Resume screening first by Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)

PUBLIC SECTOR: A detailed 4 to 5-page resume is expected and necessary to adequately demonstrate that you're minimally qualified (or even better, best qualified!)

Resume screening first by a walking, talking, breathing HR Specialist

Generalizing your experience for “application convenience” doesn’t make you best qualified for any job:

While OPM has set general qualification standards, requirements can vary from agency to agency. So if your resume doesn't address each specific Specialized Experience and KSAs listed on that particular job announcement, your application may be considered "Incomplete" or even, dare I say it, "Not Referred"

Now that you have this critical intel, let's

Fix Your Federal Resume

so that you make it easy for an HR Specialist to check all of their boxes, get referred to a hiring decision-maker faster, and stand out as a best qualified applicant!


I'm new to the federal job market. Occupational series, pay grade, OPM... I'm lost already. Can you catch me up to speed first?

Of course! Here's a quick vocabulary lesson:

OPM: This stands for the Office of Personnel Management, and they function as HR for everyone in the Federal Government.

Occupational Series: This is how the Federal Government categorizes and classifies similar types of jobs. For example, there are Professional Occupations grouped into Social Science, Psychology, and Welfare (Series 0100-0199), Human Resources Management (Series 0200-0299), General Administrative, Clerical, and Office Services (Series 0300-0399), and so on.

Positions are classified into Occupational Series based on the work performed, the level of difficulty, and the required qualifications. Positions within a series share similar subject matter, basic knowledge, and skill requirements.

You'll find Occupational Series linked on USAJobs announcements so you can find similar job openings quickly.

Pay Grade: The Federal Government also categorizes jobs by pay grade. The General Schedule (GS) pay scale is the most common.

The GS pay grade listed on a job announcement directly relates to the education level and experience required to qualify for that job.

Specialized Experience vs KSAs vs Competencies: OPM sets qualification standards to make sure federal employees can successfully and safely perform the work of the job.

Minimal qualifications may include your work experience, accomplishments, education, training, and overall qualifications. To qualify for higher grade levels (GS-7 or equivalent level and higher, for example), you must have Specialized Experience.

Specialized Experience: At least 1 year of specific work history that must be equivalent to the next lower grade level. Don't worry, the job announcement will tell you exactly what needs to be on your resume to count.

KSAs: This stands for Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities and they are non-negotiable requirements. These will be assessed both on your resume and application questionnaire (if there is one). These are pretty straight forward: Knowledge of x, y, and z. Strong analytical and problem-solving skills. Ability to x, y, and z.

Competencies: These are defined as "measurable patterns" of KSAs, behaviors, or characteristics that are the "how" behind performing job tasks. Common competencies are broad skills like attention to detail, decision-making, and customer service.

Best qualified: Meeting the minimum qualifications won't be enough to land an interview. Think of your application as a 100-point test, and both your resume and application questionnaire will be graded. If you meet the minimum qualifications, you'll likely get a 70% on this "test."

HR Specialists will look for your level of experience, and the details you give to provide context (scope, challenges, outcomes, etc.) will earn you more points. Those who get a 90% or higher will be most likely to be referred to hiring decision-makers to be considered for interviews. These are best qualified applicants.

Can’t I just use the USAJobs Resume Builder?

If you're creating a federal resume for the first time, using the USAJobs Resume Builder can help you make sure you include all of the required compliance details and organize all of the details needed for a federal resume correctly. However, HR Specialists have shared that the Resume Builder resumes are difficult to read on their end (small font sizes, narrow margins, etc.) and prefer uploaded documents.

The federal resume templates I've designed are formatted to be easy on human eyes without heavy design elements (minimalistic is best for the public sector). They're available as Google Docs or Microsoft Word Douments so their also easy to edit, download, and upload to USAJobs or agency website. They were designed to be easy to fill in the blanks so you don't miss any of the required compliance details and you have a straightforward example of how to organize your experience.

How long will it take me to create or rework my resume using this course?

Fix Your Federal Resume is a self-paced course organized into four, easy-to-digest lessons that you can binge-watch in about an hour. Since the homework is time-intensive, I highly recommend stretching the lessons over two days to prevent burnout or overwhelm.

If you're one of the many job seekers juggling far too many responsibilities during the workweek, this course is perfect for completing over a weekend.

Do I have a limited amount of time to access the course after purchasing?

When you purchase the Fix Your Federal Resume Course, you have lifetime access! That means that ALL of the templates and worksheets are downloadable, and you’ll be able to access the recorded lessons as long as you’d like.

You’ll also be notified whenever templates, worksheets, and best practices shared have been updated to keep you up to date with emerging hiring trends and technologies.

What’s your refund policy?

Since you get instant access to the course materials digitally upon receipt of payment, no refunds are available once the course is purchased.

Maybe you've signed up for programs like this in the past and they haven’t worked. I don't offer any guarantees because there are simply too many factors involved in a job search. Results will vary based on:

  • How active you are in the job search process,
  • Whether or not you're applying for positions you are eligible and qualified for,
  • If you use your resume as advised, and
  • Forces in the economy that are outside of your control

I’m confident that you will gain the resume writing skills that will get you the results my clients have seen, but I realize that you may have special circumstances that require additional assistance.

If after 60 days of purchase you can show that you’ve implemented the strategies recommended in the course but you haven't landed any interviews, I'll get on a free 30-minute video consultation with you so we can take a peek at your resume together, chat about your job search woes, and get to the bottom of it!