6 Job-hunting Mistakes You Should Stop Making

6 Job-hunting Mistakes You Should Stop Making

Job hunting is all about being careful and thorough. The skills you mention, how you describe yourself, how you pitch your qualifications- every detail matters. When done right, you can get hired by the top companies for the most lucrative jobs. On the other hand, a small mistake can close the doors to the best opportunities and make the job search more challenging, especially when universities are pumping out super-skilled and brilliant candidates in all fields.

Searching for the right job involves a series of steps, each one more crucial than the other. There is no room for a mistake, it doesn’t go well with the job hunt. Make a mistake in your resume, say something wrong in the interview, a bad reference, and it will get more difficult for you to get hired.

This means that you have to be aware of the most common job-hunting mistakes to succeed in your endeavour. Review these six mistakes that you must avoid during your next job search.


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Common Mistakes That Can Hamper Your Professional Growth

 1 | Not Doing Defined Research

Yes, we understand that you can’t wait to send your job application to as many companies as possible. But this is not something you want to rush in. Take some time to research, browse through LinkedIn job search and other platforms where recruiters advertise jobs for free, and understand the industry. Get familiar with the company’s culture, job roles, and responsibilities. A great place to start is an ‘About Us’ page on the company’s website.


2 | Typos and Slip-ups on the Resume

We can’t emphasize the importance of proofreading a resume enough. It is your first impression on recruiters, giving them insight into your qualifications, skills, and more. The last thing you want to do is make some common resume errors that can jump out at the hiring manager reading it. To present yourself as a worthy and professional candidate, proofread your resume several times and eliminate any mistakes, inconsistencies, or typos. Ask an experienced person to review it once. Communicating clearly via resume without a single error can make you shine out.


3 | Not Making the Best of LinkedIn

With almost 750 million members and 55 million registered businesses, LinkedIn is one of the most sought-after methods of recruitment for hiring managers. Leverage the true potential of this platform to network and find the best opportunity. Rather than using it like any other social media portal, use it to your professional advantage. Update your profile, use its valuable features, share posts and articles, and keep an eye on open job vacancies.


4 | Making Careless Interview Errors

An interview is your first official introduction with your team manager and employer, you cannot take it for granted. However, this is also where even the most talented applicants make silly errors. If demonstrated frequently, these common interview mistakes may lead hiring managers to think you are unsuitable for the job. So, prepare for the interview, be punctual and smartly dressed, be honest on your resume, show professional behavior, and maybe leave a few things unsaid.


5 | Not Lining Up References

Have a list of references ready while applying for a job. Your recruiters may connect with them to evaluate your credibility and skills. Don’t leave it to the last minute to find people who can speak about your accomplishments. This is a crucial step, so make sure not to provide random names that you think are good references. Include people who can vouch for you and your work performance. No need to mention references in the resume but create a separate list and hand it out to employers when asked.


6 | Lack of Networking

A successful job hunt is about connecting and talking to people with first-hand experience. Whether using LinkedIn to find a job or discussing with friends working in a similar field, it is important to stay in touch with the right people. Great professional networks can help you obtain meaningful leads, information, referrals, and support, which can take you a long way.



Job hunting is strenuous and can take a toll on your mental health. To avoid this, you need to keep the right approach and avoid making some grave mistakes that we listed. Take every opportunity seriously, give your best, and you will make it. All the Best!

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